
Made with my own hands

→ Making things is what I do. I find it impossible to look at any situation, be it a letter, a logo, a book cover, or a shady place under a tree without starting to daydream about the best way imaginable to reinvent the situation. Designing and creating is one of the most fulfilling, therapeutic activities I can imagine and this is certainly not limited to graphic design. I love building things with my hands. It gives me joy and it allows me to shape the entire environment I live in. It often feels like I am building my own world and it works beautifully. Here are some examples.

Made with my own hands

Lid rack in wood and steel

Spray painted in international aviation red
Made with my own hands - Lid rack in wood and steel
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands

Just a simple shelf to carry cook books and my pots and pans

Made with my own hands - Just a simple shelf to carry cook books and my pots and pans
Made with my own hands

End-grain butcher block freshly oiled

Made with my own hands - End-grain butcher block freshly oiled

Compost container

Integrated for cuttings is this removeable metal bucket called Bio-Loch
Made with my own hands - Compost container
Made with my own hands

Potting table with integrated soil container

Made with my own hands - Potting table with integrated soil container
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands
Made with my own hands

Typefaces used on this site are Interpol Sans and Interpol Serif.
All web fonts, served using the @font-face rule are provided by FamiraFonts.
Except where noted differently all contents is copyright © 2024 by Hannes F. Famira. All rights reserved.
Logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners and do not constitute an association, affiliation or relationship with the entities in any way.
Last updated on Sunday, July 15, 2024.
For more information, please send mail to hannes@famira.com.
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